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Experienced Events and conference Management

World Best Professional meet in 2019
Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante.Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper.

Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris Eonec eu ribero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean are ultricies mi senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

35 Years Of Experience


Schedule Plan

7 jan 2022
Big Data & Analytics
Big Data & Analytics
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Marketing Matters in design area
Marketing Matters in design area
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Cultures of Creativity
Cultures of Creativity
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Big Data & Analytics
Big Data & Analytics
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Marketing Matters in design area
Marketing Matters in design area
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Cultures of Creativity
Cultures of Creativity
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Big Data & Analytics
Big Data & Analytics
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Marketing Matters in design area
Marketing Matters in design area
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.
7 jan 2022
Cultures of Creativity
Cultures of Creativity
It’s hard to learn things on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and unlimited tea and coffee are all part of the ticket price.

Get Your Tickets Now

Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas ultricies eget.



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Χρήστος Σταϊκούρας

Υπουργός Υποδομών & Μεταφορών

Χρήστος Σταϊκούρας

Νίκος Ταχιάος

Υφυπουργός Υποδομών και Μεταφορών, αρμόδιος για θέματα υποδομών

Νίκος Ταχιάος

Βασίλης Οικονόμου

Υφυπουργός Υποδομών και Μεταφορών, αρμόδιος για τις Μεταφορές

Βασίλης Οικονόμου

Αλεξάνδρα Σδούκου

Υφυπουργός Ενέργειας, Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος & Ενέργειας

Αλεξάνδρα Σδούκου

Δρ Κωνσταντίνος Μαγουλάς

Γενικός Γραμματέας Υποδομών στο Υπουργείο Υποδομών και Μεταφορών

Δρ Κωνσταντίνος Μαγουλάς

Ιωάννης Τσακίρης

Αντιπρόεδρος Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων

Ιωάννης Τσακίρης

Γρηγόρης Δ. Δημητριάδης

Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος Υπερταμείου

Γρηγόρης Δ. Δημητριάδης

Λουκία Σαράντη

Πρόεδρος Συνδέσμου Βιομηχανιών Ελλάδος

Λουκία Σαράντη

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