Giannis Valavanis

Giannis Valavanis

Director, Metro & Rail Projects, Hill International

A graduate in Electrical Engineering (AUTH) and holder of a Masters (MSc) in Communications Engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Mr. Valavanis has more than 23 years of experience in large-scale international infrastructure and transportation projects. During his career, he has developed a comprehensive understanding of the technical interfaces and aspects of reliability-availability-safety and maintainability of modern automated metro systems (CBTC) and railway systems of the main technology providers of the railway industry, and has acquired a deep knowledge of the relevant international standards and specifications, having worked in Germany, Italy and Greece in positions of responsibility as Safety Validation team leader, Safety Assessor, Technical Director and Research Director.

As Director, Metro & Rail Projects of Hill International, he coordinates and participates in the ongoing projects of the company’s Technical Consultant Metro projects in Greece and supports the tenders of major metro and rail projects in the Western Balkans and Europe, with the aim of co-designing and implementing sustainable major projects transport on the European continent.

He is a full member of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE, UK), the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA, USA) and holds the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI, USA).